Graduate Applications

AAS List of College Departments
This is a comprehensive list of U.S. colleges and universities that offer undergraduate and/or graduate degrees in fields related to astronomy (astronomy, physics, planetary science, etc.) here.

GRE Requirements and Admissions Fees
A publicly-sourced spreadsheet of American and Canadian Physics/Astro programs, actively maintained as of the Fall 2022 admissions cycle.

Personal Grad School List Template
Copy-able spreadsheet for filling out when searching out prospective grad programs (credit Alison Duck).

PhD Stipends Database
A student-sourced database of PhD stipend amounts for various fields broken down by university and department.

Career/Internship Opportunities

AAS Job Register
Contains listings for positions ranging from technical and research staff to tenure-track faculty positions at academic and research institutions worldwide

NASA Pathways Internships
This is a program through which NASA hires undergraduate interns with the potential that they become full-time employees after graduation. Other internships and graduate fellowships can be found at NASA's internship homepage here.

Scientists in Parks
Internships in various research, management, and outreach programs at U.S. National Parks.